Monday, October 18, 2010

Pink Eye Post

GROSS. I'm home with pink eye. It doesn't itch so people really wouldn't be at risk because it's not on my hands, but it just looks offensive. I had to cancel a family session so the mom called the social worker to tattle on me! Sorry my pink eye is getting in the way of your court mandates! :D Chill pretty much disappeared. I never responded to his "I really want to hang out with you but blah blah" text. He bored me and doesn't have time for a relationship so I moved on. I met The Artist a couple weeks ago. He is very different than guys I'm usually attracted to. I usually like tall science/business-minded fellows that don't have time or emotional availability for me. This one's a little guy--barely 5'9" and went to The Art Institute. He does animation advertisement type stuff. And photography. He looks like Zac Efron and wears glasses and Chucks and sport coats. I bet he wears scarves in the winter. We look like brother and sister with our little bodies and glasses and straight teeth. It reminds me of a romance you would see in a movie...very quirky and awkward, yet sweet. I'm 100% myself with him even though I tell myself not to be. But I think that might be my tendency to want to scare guys away by being the craziest me I can be. I like him but I'm iffy because I need a guy who will be strong and take care of me, but put me in my place when I need it. He has anxiety, and I've changed the subject twice with him already because I'm just not ready to go there. I probably have the worst anxiety out of anyone you know. Maybe having experienced it, he will be more understanding...but I also worry we will be a big, anxious mess with kids that will need Prozac in their formula (you know me--always thinking about the future kiddos!). My last boyfriend left me partly because he was afraid he would have to go to the emergency room for the rest of his life like he did for his aunt. I've never been to the emergency room for a panic attack, but I guess that's just details. But I haven't told another significant guy since then, and I never planned on relying on a guy to help me with my anxiety. And I don't want anyone who isn't paying for it to rely on me for their anxiety. So now that I'm on the anxiety topic, there's something I've been thinking about nearly every day. I take medication that can't be taken when pregnant or breastfeeding. It also has terrible withdrawals. So in order for me to get pregnant, I will have to quit my job to detox and deal with the anxiety. So I have all these worries about finding a guy who can financially support a family with one income, and put up with the detox and the possibility of me becoming a recluse off meds. It won't be one of those happy pregnancies where you wear cute clothes and have baby showers. I'm picturing a year of laying in bed, shaking and vomiting. Who even wants to knock that up? So yeah, it's a little crazy to be thinking this far into the future, but when things get serious with a guy I'm going to have to tell him that it's that or adoption. I don't think guys really think about adoption till it's the last option. They think, "One day when I'm ready I will spread my seed and that day my wife will get pregnant and in nine months we will have a bigger gene pool and then I can teach my offspring baseball." Clowns. So I can't help but try to be proactive and look for a guy who can handle it and care about me enough to put up with it.


  1. Girl, you got a lot on your mind! But it's good to know what you want, even if you know that means a lot of guys aren't going to be up for it. Keep us posted!

  2. I def won't use that as a scare-tactic, though! It just wouldn't be fair to marry a guy and then break the news. I've never gotten to the point where disclosing is even a thought. I'm getting the drift that he wants to get his issue off his chest to see if I stick I sense a conversation coming up (babies will NOT be a part of this one!). I can't believe how much your life has turned around--I'm going to recommend your blog to a friend who is suffering from a minor breakup so she can see how the big girls do it!
